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Strategy analysis in responding to Montreal Protocol

One of the main tasks of this project is to act as a facilitator for consolidating a positive interaction between Taiwan government and the international communities on protection of the ozone Layer. By this regard, ITRI participated both the 23rd Open Ended Working Group Meeting and the 15th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol, which will also be beneficial for ITRI to follow the most recent trend and development of ODS control strategy that may have significant impacts to Taiwan industry. Furthermore, with the consent of EPA, ITRI reported the 2002 data on production and consumption of ODS in Taiwan to the UNEP Ozone Secretariat In June. Revision of the existing ODS managing regulation and guideline was another focus of the project. Three regulations were amended this year, they are:’HCFCs Consumption Management Regulation’, ‘Air Pollutants regulated by International Environmental treaties’ and ‘Methyl Bromide Consumption Management Regulation’. Regulation of ODS and Products containing ODS Management Regulation were also proposed. With above-mentioned regulations in place, ITRI then assisted EPA to complete the quota allocation of HCFCs and CFCs according to the licensing system stipulated in respective regulations. Stopping illegal trade of ODS is a fundamental element for safeguarding Taiwan’s integrity on this issue, therefore, five custom officer and coast guard training workshops were held and touring from northern, central and southern regions of Taiwan to strengthen the ability of personnel involved on identifying incidents of ODS smuggling, over 450 officers attended the training course. In order to fasten the deployment of non-CFC air conditioning system, a CFC substitution brochure was edited and submitted to the EPA for consideration, and an animation regarding the restriction of CFCs usage was also produced. These awareness-raising materials will be made accessible from the web site - Ozone Layer Protection in Taiwan, which is also designed and set up by this year project.
Ozone depleting substance,montreal protocol